May 19th Live Webinar Webinar With Mei! 11th Graders College Application Checklist

Are you an 11th grader ready to embark on the exciting journey of college applications? Join us for a live webinar on May 19th at 7 PM PST, featuring Mei, one of our expert college counselors. In this highly informative session, Mei will provide you with a comprehensive college applications checklist, equipping you with the tools you need to succeed in the admissions process. From navigating the last summer before college applications to prioritizing your senior year, scheduling standardized tests, and more, Mei will cover all the essential aspects to ensure you are on the right track. Be sure to stick around for the Q&A session at the end to have your specific questions answered.

Heading into the Last Summer:

As you enter the summer before your senior year, it's crucial to make the most of this time. Mei will guide you through a strategic approach to maximize your productivity and lay a solid foundation for your college applications. From exploring potential majors and career paths to engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities, she'll provide insights into how to make the most of your summer break.

Senior Year Priorities:

Senior year is a critical period for college applications. Mei will highlight the key priorities to focus on during this final year of high school. From managing your coursework and maintaining strong grades to building relationships with teachers for recommendation letters, you'll learn the essential steps to take to present your best self on your college applications.

Crafting Your College List:

Choosing the right colleges to apply to is a crucial decision. Mei will discuss the factors to consider when creating your college list, including academic fit, campus culture, location, and more. She'll offer valuable tips on researching colleges, attending virtual tours and information sessions, and utilizing online resources to make informed choices.

Standardized Test Scheduling:

Standardized tests play a significant role in college admissions. Mei will provide guidance on how to approach standardized tests strategically. You'll learn about test options, best practices for preparation, and how to create a study schedule that fits your commitments. Mei will share insights into when and how often to take tests and the importance of registering in a timely manner.

Crafting a Compelling Application:

Your college application is your chance to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. Mei will delve into the essential components of a strong application, including the personal statement, supplemental essays, activity list, and resume. She'll offer tips on crafting captivating narratives, highlighting your strengths, and presenting a well-rounded application.

The Q&A Session:

At the end of the webinar, Mei will answer your questions related to college applications. This interactive session will provide an opportunity to clarify any doubts and gain further insights into the admissions process.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and guidance for your college applications journey. Mark your calendars for our live webinar on May 19th at 7 PM PST and join Mei as she unravels the secrets to success in college admissions. 

We at HS2 Academy are dedicated to providing comprehensive college counseling services, online classes, internships, volunteer opportunities, and more. Visit our programs page to explore the full range of resources we offer to support your educational journey.

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